The DC is holding on. The number of independent climbers has dropped off considerably over the past couple of weeks. The scene at Camp Muir is a stark contrast to the middle of July. The smoke has cleared out and there has been a brisk hint of Fall in the air over the past few days. There are also several large crevasses around Camp, so beware!
A large crevasse on the 'wind roll' near tents. |
The route itself is in late season condition and therefore a little more exciting than usual. There are several ladder crossings and hollow bridges to contend with, along with increased rockfall exposure. The guide services are still running successful trips and a handful of independent parties summited this week as well.
Approaching Ingraham Flats. The Disappointment Cleaver is entirely melted out and the route ascends the 'spine' of the Cleaver to its top at 12,300'.
As rangers descended the route on 8/28, guides were putting in a ladder above Ingraham Flats. This should help cut out some extra distance on the route as it was previously going high to end-run this crevasse.